Daily Thoughts 5/14/2010
I was looking at the Book Expo America exhibitor list and I noticed that Powell's book which is the largest bookstore in the world in Portland, Oregon has also become a distributor Powell's Books Wholesale
http://www.powellsbookswholesale.com/ . I find this rather interesting, because Strand Bookstore is also distributing books to libraries http://www.strandbooks.com/app/www/p/libserv/ . It seems as the giant independents grow in the United States, they are also expanding into the wholesaling books. I like looking at Powell's and the Strand because they have many titles which I cannot find in Amazon, Baker and Taylor, and many other companies. They stock a lot of obscure and academic titles.
Today has been pretty quiet. I have been working a bit on signage and shifting books in the storage area. There is an African American Books festival this Saturday so I had some more bookmarks printed, printed up some flyers for the graphic novels club and the poetry club for promotion. We are working on putting together a Bookletters page as well.
A few graphic novels came in today that look interesting; Halo Helljumper, Stephenie Meyer's Twilight graphic novel, and Penny Century by Jaime Hermandez. I am cutting bookmarks printed from card stock right now. I have three bookmarks I am looking at one for inspirational Fiction, another on graphic novels, and another on writing books.
I started reading War At The Wall Street Journal Inside The Struggle to Control An American Business Empire by Sarah Ellison. The book focuses on the people and families in the story. It is character driven. The characters are people like Rupert Murdoch, Peter Kann, the Bancroft family, and Arthur Sulzberger. The names are of the people who run the big media conglomerates.
My book for the Readers Advisory 101 class was delivered today, Readers Advisory Service in the Public Library, Third Edition by Joyce G. Saricks.
It is a good thing I don't live anywhere near Portland because they would have to send in search crews to get me out. I can get lost in reading in a Barnes and Noble bookstore, so I tend to stay out of the big ones. My wife put one of those dog alarm collars on me when I go in. When she finishes shopping she come by and gives me an alarm. Works rather well.
Very interesting blog.
I haven't been to Powells yet. I am pretty regularly at the Strand books. It is very easy to disappear for hours in there.
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