Daily Thoughts 5/4/2010 I read some more of Making Ideas Happen on the way to work. It is quite interesting. He describes a system where you have projects to take action on, ideas which you put on the backburner, and ideas that you refer to for information.
I have been reading various review material today. A book by Sarah Ellison called War at the Wall Street Journal: Inside the Struggle to Control an American Business Empire caught my attention. It is about Rupert Murdoch's takeover of the Wall Street Journal. Rupert Murdoch affects business tremendously.
I also did some more work making flyers. I have some invitations from the American Association of Publishers for lunches and dinner at Book Expo America. It looks interesting. I'll probably do the lunch.
I spent some time talking to a gentleman about Hindi and Urdu books. It was interesting. He wanted to know about how libraries chose books for foreign language collections. He had a catalog of different publications in Hindi. One of the things we get asked for a lot more than anything else is learning different languages.
I also spent time looking at the Indie Next, Powell's Bookstore online which is the largest independent bookstore in the United States, and the Strand Bookstore online.
I read some more of Making Ideas Happen. Another central tenet of the book is to do things then remind yourself that you have finished what you have done before. I like that some of the people written about in the book are bestselling authors like James Patterson and John Grisham. He talks about how their success is often about a lot of work and planning.
Hard work and planning, that rings a bell. I've just completed my first novel, Lethal Inheritance (YA fantasy), as well as the second drafts of the sequels. After nearly 3 years, masses of research into the writing and publishing business, following all the advice, multitudinous rewrites and edits, I have found an agent to represnt me. Now we have to find a publisher.
The point being the amount of work and planning involved. However, I have loved every minute of it, because the inspiration was so strong. That's what makes the difference in everything we do, what keeps us at it - inpsiration and powerful motivation.
Despite what the media would have us belive, there could never be an 'overnight' success in this industry.
Have a look at my blog to see what I'm planning to make things happen.
Thanks for stopping by. It always takes effort to really succeed at anything.
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