Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Daily Thoughts 10/13/2010 (Where Ideas Come From, The Dragonfly Effect)

At left in the foreground, a printer removes a printed page from the press. The printer at right is inking the plate. In the background, compositors are using cast type., 1568, Artist Jost Amman 1539-1591

Daily Thoughts 10/13/2010

Today has been another quiet, steady day.  I read some more of Where Ideas Come From on the train to work.  I am learning about things like accidental invention, using one thing for another purpose called exaptation which is a neat idea.  I am also learning how the coffee house environment with liquid connections helps generate exchange of new ideas.  The book is quite interesting.  Right now, I am starting on reading the appendixes and looking over the index.  I finished reading it during lunch.

We have also started working on creating a survey for the library website.  We are using google docs , because it is free and will export the information from the questionnaire automatically into excel.  There are various minor things which I did like compile statistics, check the displays, check on the items which are being mended from storage, and make sure some paperwork gets done.

I also did some desk cleaning and filing today, sorting through the material which I had picked up from New York Comic Con.  I plan on giving a few free comics which I had picked up away as part of the Graphic Novels Club next week.

I have a few things which I am planning for tomorrow.  I have to design the SCORE Councilors for Americas Small Business flyer.

While reading the New York Times October 10, 2010 book review, I came across a book that looks truly fantastic; it is Six Novels In Woodcuts by Lynd Ward, Edited by Art Spiegelman.  Lynd Ward's art is beautiful.  His work predates graphic novels and is quite unique.  These are wordless pictures with descriptions next to them.  The pair of books containing the novels are 1,256 pages long.  Another book which looks very interesting is Create Dangerously The Immigrant Artist at Work by Edgewidge Danticat.  Edgewidge Widget is a very popular Haitian novelist.

I started reading The Dragonfly Effect Quick, Effective, and Powerful Ways to Use Social Media to Drive Social Change by Jennifer Aaker and Andy Smith.  The book has website attached to it

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