Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Daily Thoughts 05/06/2015

Old man in meditation, leaning on a book - Rembrandt
Old Man in Meditation Leaning on a Book, Rembrandt, 1645

Daily Thoughts 05/06/2015

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook and sent out a few flyers via Constant Contact.

We had a general staff meeting this morning discussing the focus of what we planned to do at the library.  There is going to be a planting on the first avenue side of the building with flowers and new grass.  Hopefully it should be nice.  They also plan on doing some work with the children's room and the bathrooms.

They also discussed the open house on May 13, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.  There are going to be a variety of events.  We are going to show some of the artwork from the Crochet Class as well as show the new Makerbot printer which we have.

I spent some time ordering new books today.

I read some more of Sapiens on the train to work.  I learned that the first human settlements were not agricultural, but fishing settlements 45,000 years ago.

I sent a thank you letter to the teacher of the digital photography class on May 5, 2015 today.

There is an Intermediate Excel class today from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

On the way home, I read some more of Sapiens.  There is a reminder of how destructive humans are to ecologies.  There is a description of how humans wiped most of the large animals like giant sloths, sabretooths, mastodons, and mammoths.

Web Bits

Do We Really Need Libraries

How Wealthy Kids' Use of Social Media Sets Them Up for a More Successful Future

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