Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Daily Thoughts 11/03/2015

Glass, Pipe and Newspaper - Georges Braque
Glass, Pipe, and Newspaper, Georges Braque, 1917

Daily Thoughts 11/03/2015

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook.

I also read some more of Mindware.  I am reading about A/B Testing which is often used to test websites as well as Before/After testing which is often used to test introducing new ideas to supermarkets and stores.

I also read a little bit more of If Someone Says, "You Complete Me, " RUN!.  I learned that Whoopi Goldberg has a cat, is from New York, and does not want to get married.  The book is partially autobiographical.

I spent some time looking over the new version of the website today.  I made some minor suggestions for edits.

Web Bits

Magical and Enchanting Libraries Filled with Volumes of Wonder

Amazon Is Opening Its First Physical Bookstore Today

Did Amazon just Replace the Public Library?
Riles me up a bit.

As U.S. Libraries Are Outsourced , Readers See Public Trust Erode

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