Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Daily Thoughts 11/11/2015

File:Rembrandt Old Man Reading a Book.jpg
Old Man Reading a Book, Rembrandt, 1628

Daily Thoughts 11/11/2015

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

I read some more of Superforecasting today.  I am reading about the concept of the Fox and the Hedgehog.  The Hedgehog has one big idea which it sticks to.  The fox many different ideas from a variety of sources.  Philip E. Tetlock argues that most of the time, the fox is more accurate.

Web Bits

The Library in the Life of the User

What Libraries Should Look Like in the Future

The Library's Global Future

International Games Day is On November 21, 2015

The Room Where The Internet Was Born

A Book Odyssey

Artificial Intelligence

Google Offers Up Its Entire Machine Learning Library as Open Source Software

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