Friday, May 10, 2019

Daily Thoughts 05/10/2019

File:Acropolis of Pergamon - Friedrich Thierch - 1882.jpg
Reconstructed view of Acropolis of Pergamon by Friedrich Thierch - 1882.

Daily Thoughts 05/10/2019

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

I read some more of Loonshots.  I am reading about innovation based on products versus innovation based on strategy.  There is a lot on Pan Am airlines.

I also read some more of Build A Great Team.  I am reading about team culture and assumptions about how a library should be run.

I checked the displays and the gift books.

I checked the 800s, 900s, and fiction in the mezzanine.

I checked the New York Times and Publishers Weekly Bestseller lists.

Web Bits

This Cincinnati Library Is Lending Help to the Homeless

At 100, A Nashville Library Stands As A Symbol of Hope and Endurance

Operation Paperback
How Reverse Copyright Filled the Library of Alexandria

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