Monday, May 13, 2019

Daily Thoughts 05/13/2019


Scribe Statuette, Egypt 332-330 B.C.

Daily Thoughts 05/13/2019

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

I read some more of Loonshots.  I am reading about Xerox PARC where many computer innovations were created.  Xerox failed to capitalize on the innovations and other companies adopted the new technology.

I also read some more of Build A Great Team.  I am reading about writing job descriptions.

Web Bits

Book Expo 2019: Third Times's The Charm?

The Popular Peregrine Falcons Atop Evanston Library Are Sitting on 4 Eggs: 'They're Our Local Treasure'

Veterans: The Library of Congress Wants to Hear Your Story

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