Thoughtful Reader, Frantisek Dvorak, 1895
Daily Thoughts 08/08/2019
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
Last night, I read some more of Life After Google. I am reading about cloud computing. This book has a strong silicon valley libertarian, business oriented feeling in its writing.
I checked the displays and the gift books this morning.
I have a copy of Library Journal and two copies of Publishers Weekly to read today.
I spent some time checking nonfiction books in the mezzanine.
I also distributed a number of shelf lists to different people.
We put up a banner up for our book display for Toni Morrison.
I updated my account for the System for Awards Management from the government.
I have two copies of Publishers Weekly and a copy of Library Journal to read.
I took some suggestions for computer books from a colleague.
There is a Fundamentals of Computers class and a Beginning Microsoft Word 2013 class tonight in the computer lab.
Web Bits
New York City Libraries Trying to Keep
Kids Engaged With Reading All Summer
Peers In Their Own Words
Israeli Library Displays Last Batch of
Obtained Kafka Works
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