Thursday, November 7, 2019

Daily Thoughts 11/07/2019

Daniel Huntington - The Fair Student (1858).jpg
Daniel Huntington, The Fair Student, 1858

Daily Thoughts 11/07/2019

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

I read some more of It's The Manager.  I am reading about strength based employee development.  Jim Clifton's books include a lot of helpful ideas on how to manage people in a non confrontational way.  They do not seem oriented towards major confrontations, but will make suggestions for steady small improvements.

Web Bits

Florida Librarians: Here Is Why Citrus County Was Wrong to Reject the New York Times

Wake Up Your House Is On Fire Sustainability

Building A University Library Into One of the Most Influential In China

Handling Patrons' Personal Property

Hearing Modernizing the Library of Congress

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