Poul Friis Nybo, Reading Woman, 1929
Daily Thoughts 11/21/2019
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
Last night, I read some more of the book, A Long Petal on the Sea. One of the characters is Salvador Allende. Isabel Allende, the author of the book is distantly related to Salvador Allende. The book is very political and describes the conflict between the right and the left in Chile and Spain. I am enjoying the characters in the story.
I also read some more of Walking One Step At a Time. I like the authors sense of place and use of literacy in this nonfiction book about walking.
I am going to a Volunteer Session for the Complete Count Committee for the Census this morning at 12:00 p.m. in Mount Vernon City Hall Council Chambers.
I checked the displays and the gift books.
I checked some books in the mezzanine.
My colleagues are working on shifting books on the main floor of the library.
I spent some time working on grants for Arts Westchester.
I checked out the Revised Edition of The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham.
Web Bits
Sandler, Krasznahorkai, Sze, Broom,
Choi Win National Book Award
Over 300 Books Are Available for Free
Download in the Getty Museum's Virtual Library
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