Friday, April 14, 2017

Daily Thoughts 04/14/2017

New Mirror Comparing the Handwriting of the Courtesans of the Yoshiwara (Yoshiwara keisei shin bijin jihitsu kagami)

Kitao Masanobu (Santō Kyōden) (Japanese, 1761–1816)

Daily Thoughts 04/14/2017

I checked the Twitter and Facebook for the library this morning.

I also looked at Romantic Times Online and Locus Magazine online for books.

Last night, I read some more of Other Minds.  Cephalopods can camouflage themselves by changing their skin colors.  There is also a conjecture that they can use their skin to show different colors as a way to communicate with each other.  Some people have even gone so far as to say this is a kind of language based on colors and patterns.  Octopus Colors Predict the Winners of Fights.

I have started reading Acquisitions Core Concepts and Practices.  The content is very different from when I went to library school.  There is a focus on information technology.  There is also a realization that many of the things which we acquire are not necessarily located inside the library.  For example our Hoopla service is on a server which we can go to access the material from.  It is not in the library.  We also create lists of books available through the catalog.  These lists come from Bookletters which hosts the lists.  We also draw on the internet to find things and are more willing to purchase things quickly.  There is interlibrary loan and also patrons can make requests for what they want.  It is a changed profession.

Web Bits

National Library Week Shows More Library Use

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