Friday, April 28, 2017

Daily Thoughts 04/28/2017

Pierrot with Book - Juan Gris
Pierrot with Book, Juan Gris, 1924

Daily Thoughts 04/28/2017

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

Last night, I started reading Tinkers by Paul Harding.  It won a Pulitzer Prize.  I am reading it for the Growing and Aging discussion at the public library.  We had the last session of James Baldwin's America last night.

I also spent some more time working on the Arts Westchester grant.  I have to get the artist information.

I also printed up several flyers yesterday including the computer class flyer and the flyer for the movie Home which I am showing on Thursday.

I checked the gift books and the displays.  May is Emotional Wellness Month.

I did a little more work on my grant today.  I also looked through the New York Times Bestseller List and the Publishers Weekly Bestseller list.

I read the latest copy of Bookpage.

Web Bits

Virtual Library Legislative Day

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