Saturday, April 22, 2017

Daily Thoughts 04/22/2017

Rembrandt Two old men disputing 1628.jpg
Two Old Men Disputing, Rembrandt, 1628

Daily Thoughts 04/22/2017

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

Last night, I read some more of The Book.  I read about how paper spread from China to Arabia to Europe.  I also read about how making paper became a mechanized industrial process.

2016 International Latino Book Awards

I took a few minutes to look at Books on the Air from Booksite.

I spent a little time looking at websites for Westchester County Bookstores.  Womrath bookstore from Bronxville has come to our library a couple of times.

Public Library Open House Showcases Changes and New Director
This was enjoyable.

Web Bits

Support Grows for Small Agency With Big Reach on Trump's Budget Death Row

Build Relationships to Advance Advocacy

ALA Joins March for Science on April 22

Local Libraries Are Now Gathering Places, And Not Just for Books

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