Still Life With Fruit Bowl, Flowers, and Books, William Shewell Ellis, 1910
Daily Thoughts 01/25/2018
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I spent some time working on my class yesterday. I am learning quite a bit about the political process and librarianship.
I read some of Data How To Profit From A World Of Big Data, Analytics And The Internet of Things by Bernard Marr. This is a business book focused on data. It describes how to manage the internet of things and big data from a corporate perspective.
I checked the gift books and the displays.
I also placed some orders for new books.
We are working on shifting the 800s and 900s.
I spent a considerable amount of time discussing programming for March, April, and May of 2018.
I also did some scheduling for vacation and conference attendance. I am planning on attending the Urban Librarians Unite conference on April 13, 2018 and Book Expo America on May 30 through June 1st. These both should be excellent conferences.
Web Bits
Inside Amazon GO, A Store of the Future
How A Library Handles A Rare and Deadly Book of Wallpaper
The Growing Necessity of Radicalism in Library Advocacy and Political Outreach
The Growing Necessity of Radicalism in Library Advocacy and Political Outreach
An article from my class.
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