Saturday, October 26, 2019

Daily Thoughts 10/26/2019

Wacław Wąsowicz - Czytający gazetę.jpg
Wacław Wąsowicz - Reading the Newspaper, 1920

Daily Thoughts 10/26/2019

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

I read a children's book called The Library of Alexandria by Kelly Trumble, illustrated by Robina MacIntyre Marshal.  It is a short version of the history of the Library of Alexandria.

I finished reading Reinventing Knowledge From Alexandria to the Internet by Ian F. McNeely with Lisa Wolverton.

I checked the displays and the gift books.

I checked out the book, The Pharaoh's Treasure The Origin of Paper and the Rise of Western Civilization by John Gaudet.

I did a little bit of shifting.

We spent some time discussing and preparing for programs.

Web Bits

5 Best Library Perks Your Not Taking Advantage Of

Seeing Its Patrons Needed More Than Books, A Library Struck Up A Unique Partnership

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