Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Daily Thoughts 03/08/2016

In Thought, Walter Crane, 1896

Daily Thoughts 03/08/2016

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

I also put some listings for events into the Mount Vernon Daily Voice.

I read a little bit more of Life In Motion An Unlikely Ballerina.  I am reading about Misty Copeland working with the musician, Prince and how it improved her stage presence.

I did my monthly report.

I read some more of Black Box Thinking.  Matthew Syed is describing how industry often aims at failing quickly and iterating new products fast.  He is describing ideas like failing forward, releasing products early and often, shipping as soon as you have something designed, and testing products in the market directly.  He describes how it is often better to systematically test a product through many generations making many incremental improvements instead of trying to design the perfect product.

I reviewed a webinar on the Preservation Assistance Grant for Smaller Institutons and took a lot at the guidelines on the site.

I finished reading Life In Motion An Unlikely Ballerian by Misty Copeland at the laundromat.  There are some interesting things in the book.  Misty Copeland works with the Boys and Girl Club which is a very important institution in Mount Vernon, New York.  She also wrote a children's book called the Firebird which I plan to read before the book club discussion on March 17th at 1:00 p.m..  I thought this book was very well written and inspiring.   The writing was very clear.  It fits with the theme of Women's History Month for our programming at the library.

Web Bits

To Charge or Not Charge? A Tutoring Story

Dominique Raccah: 'The Surprise Transformation In Our Industry

JK Rowling Accidentally Heightens Feud Between Two Scottish Libraries

Cedar Rapids Library Volunteers Help Sort Donated Books
We also have a sorting area for the Friends of the Mount Vernon Public LIbrary

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