Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Daily Thoughts 03/23/2016

Parable of the Rich Man, Rembrandt, 1627
Daily Thoughts 03/23/2016

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook.

I finished reading Researching Prospective Donors Get More Funding for Your Library by Susan Summerfeld Hammerman.  The book starts with the process of how important it is to do fundraising.  Then the first chapter is about confidentiality.  Each chapter is on a specific subject like real estate holdings, family foundations, political donations, creating biographies, and finding salaries and net worth.  Each chapter ends with a form to fill out and a number of suggested websites to use both fee and free.  In addition, there is an index and an annotated bibliography at the end of the book.  This book is a practical how to do it book for prospecting funders.

I read some more of The Geography of Genius.  I am reading about Rabindrath Tagore and the Bengal Renaissance.  The subject is completely new to me.  I have not read much of the history of India nor about Calcutta.

Web Bits

Plainfield Library District Referenda Lose to Robocalling

NYC Owes $22M to Public Library System Forcing Cutbacks

What Should A Library Be?

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