Thursday, June 21, 2018

Daily Thoughts 06/21/2018

Still Life With Fruit and Vegetables, Thomas Hart Benton, 1914

Daily Thoughts 06/21/2018

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

Last night, I finished reading The Perfectionists How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World by Simon Winchester.  The themes in this book are fascinating.  For example, one of the ideas is that craftsmanship cannot match industrial precision where machines make machines.  Another is that as measurements become more refined, machinery becomes more complicated and precise.

I also started reading The Library Book by Susan Orleans which is about the Los Angeles Public Library fire which was the largest fire in a library in the history of the United States.

I checked the displays and the gift books.

I also spent some time working on Read Squared the new summer reading sign up system.  We printed up some sample raffle tickets for summer reading.  The theme this year is libraries rock.

I spent some time working on programming.

I also spent some time working on scheduling for the computer lab.

Web Bits

Every Library Launches A Political Research Institute

Four Baby Falcons That Hatched Atop an Evanston Library Are Named, Banded

A Literary Architect Is Erecting A Swanky Library In Queens

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