Letter-Printing Telegraph Set built by Siemens and Halske in Saint Petersburg, Russia, ca.1900
Daily Thoughts 02/20/2020
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I read some more of What Is Chemistry? I am reading about chemical reactions.
I also read some more of A World Without Work. I am reading about how computers beat human go and chess champions.
I checked the displays and the gift books.
I selected some books to be moved to the mezzanine.
I also checked some books for damage.
I am currently in the computer lab.
I have been working on programming and desk schedules for the coming month.
Web Bits
What Public Libraries Need to Know
About the Coronavirus
So Many Languages: So Few Books
Libraries Struggle to Reflect Places They Serve
Turn Music Down Library Guard Asked.
Then She Was Stabbed
Freeport Library Group Knits for
Homeless, Asylum Seekers
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