Thursday, February 27, 2020

Daily Thoughts 02/27/2020

Listening to phonograph cylinder via rubber ear-tubes,1913

Daily Thoughts 02/27/2020

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

I read some more of Imagined Worlds.  I am reading about what it might be like for several worlds in  a solar system to have life.

I also read some more of A World Without Work.  I am reading about different state solutions for when there is a lot less work because of automation.

I checked the displays and the gifts books.

I picked out some books to be moved to the mezzanine.

I checked some of the material in the mezzanine.

I worked on some grants a little bit.

I also spent some time preparing for the census.

Why the Census Matters for Women and Girls

We Count Kids a Campaign for the Census

Web Bits

NCAC Opposes Copycat Missouri Bill Threatening Tennessee Libraries

Here are Seattle Public Library's Most Popular Books. Why are There So Many Children's Books?

Vineyard Haven Library Shows Vintage Edward Gorey Posters

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