Saturday, April 4, 2020

Daily Thoughts 04/04/2020

Virgil Reading the Aenaeid to Augustus and Octavia, Jean-Joseph Taillasson, 1787

Daily Thoughts 04/04/2020

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

I have been watching two series on Kanopy streaming video.  The first is The Architecture of Power, Great Palaces of the Ancient World which is part of the Great Courses series.  I enjoy watching these lectures.  I find them interesting.  I am also watching Understanding Greek and Roman Technology, The Great Courses on Kanopy.

I plan on watching a few professional development videos.

I read some of the articles on Programming Librarian.

I like to look through the Library Think Tank group on Facebook
Web Bits

Are Public Libraries In Decline

NY Public Library Launches Virtual Book Club With WNYC

Libraries Offer Virtual Meeting Rooms on Zoom

On Pause Time For Professional Development

Coronavirus Concerns Prompt Cost Cuts

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