Thursday, April 16, 2020

Daily Thoughts 04/16/2020

Cherry Blossoms and Seal-box with Ink and Ruler
Cherry Blossoms and Seal Box With Ink and Ruler, Kubo Shunman, 19th Century

Daily Thoughts 04/16/2020

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

I worked on two orders of books.

I am wrapping the loose ends for some grants.

I read some more of The Art of Memory.  One of the themes is the difference between the use of the imaginary and the real in memory.

Web Bits

From Publishers to Booksellers and Librarians: Covid-19 Accelerates Book Industry Shift to Digital, Interdependence

We Need Diverse Books Launches Emergency Fund

Closed Libraries Are Offering Parking Lot Wi-Fi, E-books, and Zoom Storytime

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