Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Daily Thoughts 06/03/2020

Two Unidentified Women Reading Letters, Between 1860 and 1870, Photograph

Daily Thoughts 06/03/2020

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook Group this morning.  I checked my LinkedIn account.

I have a list of organizations to check for the census which I got this morning.

I am also planning on calling people for the Community Based Organizations committee which is a subcommittee of the Mount Vernon Complete Count Committee for Census.

I am going to work today.  I have to work on the IMLS CARES Act grant today.

We spent some time finishing up the narrative and starting on the budget for the IMLS CARES Act.
 I contacted a few people about it.

I called two people about the Mount Vernon Complete Count Committee for the Census.  I also sent some material over.

I spent some time reading on my smart phone.  I read some more of Braiding Sweetgrass.  I am reading about ecological restoration focusing on salmon and sweetgrass.   There are a lot of very interesting threads that run through this book.  I like the discussion of bringing back Native American languages and how it affects a sense of place.

Web Bits
Libraries Collect Covid 19 Stories in Quaranzines

Bookstores Show Support for Protests

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