Small Boys In Big Boots A Story For Children of All Ages (1890)
Daily Thoughts 06/26/2020
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook Group. I also checked my LinkedIn.
I contacted a few people about a part-time position with the Complete Count Committee of the City of Mount Vernon, New York. There is going to be phone banking for the census for the City of Mount Vernon. To register go to bit.ly/2Z8cPNj The time is from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on July 8, 2020. We are also meeting on Monday to pick up tablets for the census.
There is also a DJ tonight from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. for the census, DJ X-Factor, on the Mount Vernon, New York Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/mountvernonny/
There is a plan to make a community garden at the library. We are going to be seeking volunteers and equipment for the library.
I read the book, The Network Effect by Martha Wells which is about a rogue cyborg security unit. It is entertaining science fiction. There are a lot of ideas about hacking and computers in this story combined with action and intrigue. It is the fifth book in the series. I have liked reading all the books in the series.
Web Bits
ALA Statement on Institutional Racism
Coronavirus Tests the Limits of America's Public Libraries.
Reopening Libraries: Public Libraries
Keep Their Options Open
Libraries and the 2020 Census Adapting
Outreach to Covid 19
Grab and Go Service to Launch at Some
Brooklyn Public Libraries in July
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