Anthony Trollope is one of my favorite classic authors. I especially like the book The Way We Live Now.
Daily Thoughts 11/2/2010
It is National Blog Posting Month-- The Singing Librarian blog let me know about this. I try to write every single day. This idea appeals to me. I registered with the site.
I voted this morning at 8:15 a.m.. They have the new electronic machines. I was number seventeen in my voting district.
I also took some time to finish the exercises for my class, Fundamentals of Acquisitions. I read quite a bit today on budgeting, ethics, and vendors. The class is from ALCTS -- Association of Library Collections and Technical Services which is a subdivision of the American Library Association. Hopefully, it will be of some use to me soon. I think I learned a bit about budgeting that might prove useful.
I also read some more of The Story of Stuff. Annie Leonard is talking about distribution. Part of this is how we have huge amounts of our stuff shipped from China and India in massive diesel powered container ships. It is a reminder of how wasteful we are. I am also with the author in my dislike of massive impersonal stores like Walmart and Target. I prefer small downtown shopping areas.
In my opinion, this is not in the book, this will change in ways people may not expect; urban farming and urban greenhouses are becoming a much more viable industry, also digital fabricators are becoming much cheaper to make and use allowing people to produce stuff very quickly on the local level. This industry is just starting to make its inroads. Like print on demand affected the book industry, three dimensional print on demand will most likely have a big impact on manufacturing. Farmers markets are becoming much more popular. Also there is an increased awareness where many people want to shop locally. Fuel costs are not going down either.
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