Monday, February 6, 2012

Daily Thoughts 02/06/2012

Forbidden Fruit by George Agnew Reid, 1889

Daily Thoughts 02/06/2012

This morning, I checked the Facebook and Twitter accounts for the library.  I also checked the gifts and the displays.  I usually read the news online to update the current events display. 

I read the latest New York Times Book Review and am starting on reading the February 1, 2012 issue of Booklist magazine.  I called a few people about programming and returned the microphone to the business office.  So far, it has been a very mundane day.

I also spent some time writing up the monthly statistics for programming.  It has been a not too exciting day.
Our statistics are steadily rising.

I continued reading Thinking, Fast and Slow.  Daniel Kahneman is describing different mistakes which people make psychologically when they are making decisions.  We learn about anchoring statements and different ways our emotions can override our ability to think clearly.   There are examples of why we fail with statistics because of our personal preferences and other logical fallacies.  Some of it can get a bit confusing.  The book challenges how you think.

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