Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/31/2017
Daily Thoughts 01/31/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
On the way to work, I read some more of Another Country by James Baldwin.
I started changing the displays today. Tomorrow is Black History Month. I also checked the gift books.
I spent some time working on orders. I also put out some new copies of the latest Bookpage.
I have a copy of the New York Times Book Review to read. I also have to read the Bookpage.
I checked some books from the 300s and tried to tie up some loose ends with the NEA Big Reads Grant.
I had to spend some time doing administrative work as well.
The Crochet Group met today in the Fiction Room from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
We also had our Fundamentals of Computers Class from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Beginning Microsoft Word from 6:45 p.m. tom 7:45 p.m..
Monday, January 30, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/30/2017

Bouquet of Peonies on a Musical Score, Paul Gauguin, 1876, Paris, France
Daily Thoughts 01/30/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I listened to the lecture for the Current Issues class tonight. They asked what tools I would use if I was in a new job. The first would be Google Alerts, the second would be Facebook, the third would be the local professional association, the fourth would be the local library training center like Westchester Library System, and the fifth would be the catalog analysis software for the collection.
Web Bits
Placemaking and the Public Library
Free Courses Offered to Libraries by American Graphics
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/29/2017

Portrait of a Man With a Newspaper, Andre Derain, 1913
Daily Thoughts 01/29/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I also read some more of James Baldwins Early Novels and Stories.
Web Bits
Rosenbach Reels In Rare Sendak Trove
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/28/2017

Ex Libris Bibliotheca Nacional, 1903, Eliseu Visconti
Daily Thoughts 01/28/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I read a little bit more of James Baldwin's Another Country
I red the graphic novel Lantern City on Hoopla. It is a steampuntk story. I also read Mouseguard Vol.1 on Hoopla which is a fantasy story about a mouse kingdom.
Web Bits
Bibliomania The Strange History of Compulsive Book Buying
Dear Publishers: Latinos Read Books, Too
Advocate Proactively
Library of Congress Debuts Center for Young Readers Saturday
Friday, January 27, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/27/2017

Reading, Konstantin Makovsky, 1900
Daily Thoughts 01/27/2017
I checked the Twitter and Facebook for the library today.
I also checked the gift books and the displays.
I worked on a small order of books for Central Library District.
We had a surprise visit from our Ebsco representative where we talked about how Ebsco bought out H.W. Wilson as well as the Consumer Reports database.
On the way to work, I read some of Another Country by James Baldwin.
I spent some time working on programming for Black History Month. I also worked a bit on putting together content for flyers.
I placed a hold on the book, Reality Is Not What It Seems The Journey to Quantum Gravity by Carlo Rovelli.
I read some more of Another Country by James Baldwin as I went home. I also read a few of James Baldwin's short stories. I rather liked the story, The Rockpile.
Web Bits
DC Public Library is Also Running Out of Orwell’s “1984”
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/26/2017

Claude Monet, Dans La Prairie, 1876
Daily Thoughts 01/26/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I finished reading Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin last night.
I checked the gift books and the displays. I spent some time working with the large print books.
I read a copy of the latest New York Times Book Review. I spent some time working on my weekly order of books.
I also spent a little time working on flyers and programming. We had a programming meeting. I am going to have a few more people to work with on programs and grants.
I did a little work with the computer classes. There is a Beginning Microsoft Publisher 2013 class tonight.
I read some more of The Early Novels and Stories of James Baldwin. There is a chronology of James Baldwin's writings in the back of the book.
Web Bits
Ethics of Library Meeting Rooms
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/25/2017
Amish Letter Writer, Horace Pippin, 1940
Daily Thoughts 01/25/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
We had training in the morning for Blue Cloud Analytics this morning focused on statistics. We looked at circulation and holdings statistics. The training was for two hours in the computer lab.
I checked the gift books and the displays this morning.
I spent some time working in teh computer lab.
We turned in the grant for the NEA Big Read grant. We are focusing on the book, A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines.
We got an Advanced Reading Copy of the graphic novel, DC Universe Rebirth All Star Batman Vol 1. My Own Worst Enemy.
I read a copy of the Times Literary Supplement, the New York Times Bestseller List and the Publishers Weekly Bestseller list. I still have to read the New York Times Book review.
There is a Wordpress class from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. tonight.
Web Bits
The Wonderful World of NonTraditional Library Collections
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/24/2017

Jean Baptiste Simon Chardin, Still Life, 1728
Daily Thoughts 01/24/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
We are getting ready to put in our NEA Big Reads grant.
I spent a little time going over programming.
I read some more of Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin.
Web Bits
The Bad News About E-books
John Lewis' Graphic Memoir Wins 4 American Library
Association Awards
Yonkers Library Unveils New Vision for the Future
Monday, January 23, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/23/2017

Still Life In Front of the Window, Juan Gris, 1922
Daily Thoughts 01/23/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I read some more of Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin. It is part of the book Early Novels and Stories of James Baldwin. The book is edited by Toni Morrison.
I spent a little time checking on programming.
I watched a training video from the course, Continuing Issues. I wrote about wiring, cables, plugs, USB plugs, and charging stations as an innovation issue in libraries.
Web Bits
Micro-Publishing: An Inside Look at Goosebottom Books
I took the Queens Library survey today.
I took the Queens Library survey today.
Library Service In a World That Is Getting Closer
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/22/2017

Henri Matisse, Pascal's Pensees, 1924
Daily Thoughts 01/22/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I read some of Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin today.
Web Bits
Carla Hayden Thinks Libraries are a Key to Freedom
Help Queens Library Shape Its Future
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/21/2017

Tibullus at Delia's, Lawrence Alma-Tadema, 1866
Daily Thoughts 01/21/2017
I checked the Twitter and Facebook for the library this morning.
I rested on the way to work.
I checked the gift books and the displays today.
I spent some time working on the computer class sign ups and flyer. I also made some requests for flyers.
I talked about the NEA Big Reads grant today with colleagues. We discussed costs that would be involved.
I spent some time working on Bookletters today. I put up a list of new DVDs.
Web Bits
Library Staff Deals with Patrons’ Body Odor Other Issues
The Hobbit’ Returned to Ithaca Library after 38 Year
Unexpected Journey
Friday, January 20, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/20/2017

The Black Cat, October 1895, Magazine Cover
Daily Thoughts 01/20/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook today.
I have been reading Go Tell It to the Mountain by James Baldwin. I rather like that the people are fallible in this story.
I did a little bit of preparation work for programming.
Web Bits
President Obama Has It Right. Here Are All The Ways Reading
Books Can Transform Your Life
NYPL, MacMaillan Launch Publishing Partnership
Reported Trump Spending Cuts Would Kill NEH, NEA
St. Louis Public Library Regains Control of Server
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/19/2017
The Rogers Poem Fore-Edge Painting, Samuel Rogers, 1763-1855
Daily Thoughts 01/19/2017
I checked the Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I read some more of The Early Novels and Stories of James Baldwin on the way to work.
I checked the displays and the gift books. I placed some orders for new books. I also worked on getting a few events together for Black history month.
I read a copy of the Times Literary Supplement today.
Web Bits
Daily Thoughts 01/19/2017
I checked the Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I read some more of The Early Novels and Stories of James Baldwin on the way to work.
I checked the displays and the gift books. I placed some orders for new books. I also worked on getting a few events together for Black history month.
I read a copy of the Times Literary Supplement today.
Web Bits
Lisa Lucas: The National Book Foundation and Libraries
St. Louis City Public Library Victim of Ransomware Attack
St. Louis City Public Library Victim of Ransomware Attack
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/18/2017

Woman Reading, Pablo Picasso, 1935
Daily Thoughts 01/18/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
Last night, I finished reading The Revenge of Analog, Real Things and Why They Matter by David Sax. David Sax makes the argument that we need to turn off our devices and spend time in the real world once in a while to keep our bearings.
Today I started reading James Baldwin Early Novels and Stories. It is the first time I am reading his books. The first story I am reading is The Seventh Day which is quite religious.
Web Bits
Reservoir Clogs: Copyright and the Public Domain
Clever Browser Extension Helps You Find New Library Books on
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/17/2017
Portrait of a Venetian Gentleman, Giorgione, 1510
Daily Thoughts 01/17/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I read some of The Revenge of Analog on the way to work. I am reading about how education is changing because of ideas like design thinking and integration, not digital tools.
I placed some orders of books today. I read through the latest copy of Booklist and the New York Times Book Review.
Our Crochet Group went well today from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
There is a beginning Microsoft Word class tonight and a Fundamentals of Computers class.
I spent some time looking for African American history programs today. I talked to the manager of St. Paul's Church Historic Site.
Web Bits
Irma Boom's Library Where Pure Experimentalism Is On The
Monday, January 16, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/16/2017

Wisdom, Titian, 1560
Daily Thoughts 01/16/2017
I am off today for Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday.
I checked the Twitter and Facebook for the library today.
I read some more of The Revenge of Analog by David Sax. I am reading about how digital technology is often not the answer for replacing analog jobs. Digital jobs tend be focused on the highly educated, require lots of specialization, and are based on eliminating excess manpower. People who work with their hands are usually not the right candidates for computer jobs.
I watched the recorded lecture for my Current Issues class today.
Web Bits
SF Public Library's Quest to Put Diversity on Shelves
Equipping People To Stay Ahead of Technological Change
Obama's Secret to Surviving the Whitehouse Years: Books
How to Have an Affair With Your Library
Lowering the Tone: Doing Social Media at the Bodleian Libraries - United Kingdom
Lowering the Tone: Doing Social Media at the Bodleian Libraries - United Kingdom
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/15/2017

Le Philatheliste, Francoise Barraud, 1929
Daily Thoughts 01/15/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I read some more of The Revenge of Analog by Dave Sax. I am reading about how some people are willing to pay more for products made in the United States by hand. People appreciate local craftsmanship and are willing to pay for it. It is very much like the farmers markets where you can buy local produce or craft fairs where you can buy local art.
I am looking at the concept of the Library as a "Safe Haven." The most recent example being Ferguson. Ferguson's Safe Haven, https://americanlibrariesmagazine.org/2014/11/10/fergusons-safe-haven/
Web Bits
In A Glitzy Era for Libraries, Core Mission Shows Signs of
Public Libraries in the Age of Fake News
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/14/2017

William John Wainwright, His Favorite Author, 1881
Daily Thoughts 01/14/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook today.
I finished reading Star Wars Catalyst: Rogue One by James Luceno. I liked how they described the infighting inside the Empire with different villains trying to be the top bad guy. It was a nice touch. It added some new characters to the Star Wars universe. It was a nice way to take me away from things.
I read some more of The Revenge of Analog Real Things and Why They Matter by Dave Sax. There is plenty being said about business in here. Dave Sax reminds us that the point of business is to make money, not worry about whether a book is an e-book or hard copy. If there is no profit, there is no business. He is also writing about physical businesses are diversifying into more specialty niches to be competitive. This has led to a new business model called bricks and clicks, where a business does both. Amazon has started opening retail stores for example.
I watched The Fantasy Worlds of George Pal. George Pal is famous for the films, Destination Moon, War of the Worlds, When Worlds Collide, and many other science fiction films. This film was a list of famous people in science fiction talking about George Pal including Chesley Bonestelle, Gene Roddenberry, Ray Bradbury, and many others.
I also watched a little bit of Life Itself about the life of the film critic, Roger Ebert.
Web Bits
SF Library Book, Returned 100 Years Overdue
Friday, January 13, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/13/2017

Brooklyn Museum, Girl Arranging Flowers, William McGregor Paxton, 1921
Daily Thoughts 01/13/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning. I also checked the gift books and the displays.
Right now, I am in the computer lab. I spent some time examining some of the large print books for damage and repairs as well as location changes and relabeling.
I have been looking at legal databases a little bit.
I checked out the book, How Bad Writing Destroyed the World Ayn Rand and the Literary Origins of the Financial Crisis by Adam Weiner. I also checked out some films on writers and film critics including Life Itself about Roger Ebert.
I called Penguin Speakers Bureau today.
I am looking at the books Peacock & Vine On William Morris and Mariano Fortuny by A.S. Byatt. I like the photographs, picture of paintings, tapestries, and houses in this book. It is not a big book, but it is very lovely in its design. There are also many quotes from William Morris's writing.
Web Bits
Charlottesville Welcomes First Ever Toy Library
The Future of Library Cards
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/12/2016

Angelo Bronzino, Portrait of a Lady, 1550
Daily Thoughts 01/12/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I checked the displays and the gift books.
I am working on my monthly report today. I am about halfway done. I spent a little time looking at the Ingram Advance.
We had the Tracks program come by to discuss train safety which was interesting. I learned a few things about what not to do when crossing railroad tracks.
There is a Beginning Microsoft Powerpoint class tonight in the computer lab from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Web Bits
Rumors of Demise of Books Greatly Exaggerated
4 Year Old Who’s Read 1000 Books Tours Library of Congress
Landmark the New York Public Library Rose Reading Room
Fort Worth Library Giving Out Books to Newborns
Daily Thoughts 01/11/2017
Daily Thoughts 01/11/2017
I checked the Twitter and Facebook for the library this morning.
I checked the gift books and the displays this morning.
I worked a little bit on programming today. There is going to be a motorcycle safety program in March.
Tomorrow is the Get There Safe Program from Tracks which is a train safety program from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/10/2017

Henri Matisse, Still Life With Books, 1890
Daily Thoughts 01/10/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I checked the gift books and the displays today.
On the way to work, I read some more of Star Wars Catalyst: Rogue One A Novel. I am at the point where the republic in Star Wars changes into the empire and Senator Palpatine becomes Emperor Palpatine.
Today has been a quiet day. I am in the lab right now. One of the people who reports to me is checking the large print books.
There was a Fundamentals of Computers class and a Beginning Microsoft Word class tonight. It has been very cold out lately so less people are coming.
I have to work on my monthly report tomorrow.
Web Bits
Sustain Yourself! Dallas Public Library Adds Seed Library
Library Offers Virtual Reality Experience
Libraries Join National Initiative to Transform Public Housing Into Book Rich Environments
Libraries Join National Initiative to Transform Public Housing Into Book Rich Environments
Monday, January 9, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/09/2017

Thomas Sergeant Perry, Lila Cabot Perry, 1924
Daily Thoughts 01/09/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I checked the gift books and the displays today.
I read the latest copy of Library Journal and a copy of the New York Times Book Review. I spent some time working on next weeks order. I read the purchase alerts and the New York Times Bestseller list and the Publishers Weekly bestseller list.
Web Bits
Found: Hannah Arendt’s Library Card
Law Requires Content Filtering on School and Libraries
Saturday, January 7, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/07/2017

Floral Still Life, Paul Signac, 1920-1924
Daily Thoughts 01/07/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I also read some more. I read a bit in The Challenge of Library Management about change management. I also read some more of Catalyst Rogue One by James Luceno. This is the story of the creation of the death star in Star Wars. It is focused on the scientist who made the death star possible. I am also reading a third book, The Revenge of Analog by David Sax. It is focused on analog products that have done well with digitization. Many of these are specialty products like molekskin notebooks, high quality print magazines, and specialty board games which have thrived with Kickstarter.
I also started my class, Current Issues online. We are reading articles about libraries which we admire to find things which we might do for our own library.
Web Bits
Referenda Roundup 2016
How States Performed on Library Measures
What Is E-circ and
Why Did We Addi It
He Fixes the Cracked
Spines of Books, Without an Understudy
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/05/2017

The Reader, Juan Gris, 1926
Daily Thoughts 01/05/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
On the way to work, I read some more of The Challenge of Library Management. I am reading about how you have to get staff buy in and create convincing reasons for change before you can implement changes in libraries.
I checked the displays and the gift books. There were a few interesting African American titles in the gift books.
I spent some time reviewing items that were damaged from the graphic novels section. We also finished putting away the Holiday books.
I looked at Blue Cloud Analytics today.
There is a copy of Library Journal which I need to read.
The book, A Borrowed Man by Gene Wolfe came in for me to read. It is a mystery in a science fiction setting.
I also spent some time working on programming. We are planning a heart health program and having some motorcycle safety training.
There is a Beginning Microsoft Powerpoint class today from 5;30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Web Bits
These Sci-Fi Looking Incubation Chambers Help Libraries Save Old Newspapers
A Nationwide Effort Launches to Turn 'Book Deserts' Into Literary Oases.
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/04/2017

Pablo Picasso, Glass and Newspaper, 1914
Daily Thoughts 01/04/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
Last night, I read some of The Challenge of Library Management. Quite a bit of the book is about change in libraries and how to manage the emotions and barriers that come with change.
I checked the displays and the gift books. January is Financial Wellness month. We are taking down the holiday books. We are also working on the graphic novels.
The book, The Revenge of Analog Real Things and Why They Matter by David Sax has come in for me to read.
I am working a little bit on e-books today.
I looked through a copy of the New York Review of Books.
I spent some time discussing two grants from Humanities New York to do programming. One of them is James Baldwin's America. I just checked out the book, Baldwin Early Novels and Stories.
There is a computer class tonight for Microsoft Excel from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Web Bits
The New York Public Library and the European Digital Reading
Lab Team for a Better E-Reading Experience
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/03/2017

Quodlibet, Cornelus Norbertus Gysbrechts, 1675
Daily Thoughts 01/03/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I spent some time working on the display area today with a colleague for new books.
I began putting away some of the Holiday Books.
There is a Fundamentals of Computers Class and a Beginning Microsoft Word class tonight in the computer lab.
I put out the latest copy of Bookpage.
I did a little work with the graphic novels today.
I also read the latest issue of the New York Times Book Review.
I checked out two books, Star Wars Catalyst Rogue One by James Luceno and The Challenge of Library Management Leading with Emotional Engagement by Wyoma Vanduinkerken and Pixey Anne Mosley.
Web Bits
Monday, January 2, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/02/2017

Mansfield, Still Life With the Newspaper, 1889
Daily Thoughts 01/02/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I placed a hold on Star Wars Catalyst: Rogue One by James Luceno.
I am reading Star Trek New Visions by John Byrne which is a photonovel listed as a graphic novel on Hoopla. I am enjoying it. I like how the photoshopping of old Star Trek images was done to create new episodes.
Web Bits
Pew Research Center. Library Usage and Engagement 2016
Reader Warning: Harvard Experts Say Book Is Bound With Human
Librarians Say Rollout of 23 Staffless Librariens is the
'Beginning of the End' For Them-- Ireland
Sunday, January 1, 2017
Daily Thoughts 01/01/2017

Newspaper Man In Paris, (The Newspaper), Giovanni Boldini, 1878
Daily Thoughts 01/01/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I also read the Purchase Alerts and the New York Times Bestseller List and the Publishers Weekly Bestseller list.
I read two graphic novels on Hoopla, Copperhead Volume 1 and 2 illustrated by Scott Godlewski and written by Jay Faerber. This is a space western with aliens, a main character who is the local sheriff, and a frontier backwater planet. I read it on Hoopla.
I also read The Autiobiography of James T. Kirk by David Goodman on Overdrive as an e-book. It pulls together the different stories and books from Star Trek on James Tiberius Kirk. Kirk moves from being a cadet to being a starship captain, then an admiral, then back to being a starship captain. It tells the story of how he assembles the crew for the enterprise as well as his loyal crew, Spock, Uhura, Sulu, and McCoy. It also tells the tragic story of his personal life with the death of his son, David. I enjoyed reading a series story that pulled together many of the disparate stories from Star Trek into a reasonable whole.
Web Bits
To Save Books, Librarians Create 'Fake Reader' To Check Out
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