Saturday, January 21, 2017

Daily Thoughts 01/21/2017

Tibullus at Delia's, Lawrence Alma-Tadema, 1866

Daily Thoughts 01/21/2017

I checked the Twitter and Facebook for the library this morning.

I rested on the way to work.

I checked the gift books and the displays today.

I spent some time working on the computer class sign ups and flyer.  I also made some requests for flyers.

I talked about the NEA Big Reads grant today with colleagues.  We discussed costs that would be involved.

I spent some time working on Bookletters today.  I put up a list of new DVDs.

Web Bits

Library Staff Deals with Patrons’ Body Odor Other Issues

The Hobbit’ Returned to Ithaca Library after 38 Year Unexpected Journey

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