Monday, August 30, 2010

Daily Thoughts 8/30/2010 (the Facebook Era, Tragedy of the Commons )

Drawing of Elizabeth Siddal, June 1854, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Public Domain, From Wikimedia

Daily Thoughts 8/30/2010

On the train to work, I finished reading the Facebook Era which of course is on Facebook under .  I also started reading Common As Air.  The main focus is on intellectual property and what is in the commons for everyone to use freely.  This is a very interesting topic because it touches on genetic maps, seed crop genomes, media, law, fair use, and copyright.  On the way home, I read some more.  He describes the feudal commons in England.  It is a very different interpretation of the history of the commons than what you might read in the seminal essay, The Tragedy of the Commons by Garrett Hardin

Another book came in for me to read today, Self Esteem, A Proven Program of Cognitive Techniques for Assessing, Improving, and Maintaining Your Self Esteem by Matthew McKay, Ph.D. and Patrick Fanning.

Today has been a day to write reports.  I am writing something on shelving materials, preparing some material for the monthly report, and making some suggestions about a vendor.

I also did a little bit more looking around in the storage area.  I like going downstairs sometimes to look at the old books. Books catch your eye like Waverly by Sir Walter Scott or Jurgen by James Branch Cabell.  It is satisfying handling older material.  I also sat down with a colleague and looked at some of the old black and white photographs of our building in the local history room, the reading room in 1909, the reference desk in 1938, the technical service area in 1975.  In November it will be the anniversary of our library.

I decided to finally break down and bought a domain name.  I bought It should go into effect soon.  It will be a process to include metatags in my next submission to search engines.  I want to confirm the difference between having my own domain and not having my own domain.  I also want to have a chance to add some stronger meta tags. 

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