Friday, December 28, 2018

Daily Thoughts 12/28/2018

A Sibyl Reading a book facing right

Daily Thoughts 12/28/2018

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

I also checked the purchase alerts for items on hold.

I looked at the New York Tmes and Publishers Weekly Bestseller lists.

I posted about the Give Gab campaign for a new Teen Lab/Young Adult Area

I listened to some more of The Little Book of Hygge.  There are recipes for mulled wine, chicken and potatoes and other comfort foods.  There is also a discussion of Danish pastries.

I read some more of Capitalism in America A History.  I am reading about the period after the Civil War when the country expanded westward.

Web Bits

Once Upon an Algorithm:  Library's STEM Storytime

The Library in the Laundry Room

Suburban Libraries Hoard Money, Avoid Getting Voters' Approval to Build

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