Friday, May 4, 2018

Daily Thoughts 05/04/2018

Words of Comfort, Sir Hubert Von Herkimer, 1879

Daily Thoughts 05/04/2018

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

I read some more of The Square and the Tower on the way home.  It is starting to answer questions about initiation in secret societies.  It also describing how hierarchical social structures limit the spread of information and networks spread ideas quickly.  There is a constant struggle between censorship and free expression.  I found the writing on the early printing press and how it spread quickly quite thoughtful.

I also read some of the life-changing manga of tidying up a magical story by marie kondo last night.  This is much easier to read than the book.  It is clearly aimed at young women. The manga is cute, funny, and light hearted.  This would be a good read for a young adult that needs to be more organized.

I checked the displays and the gift books this morning.

Right now, I am in the computer lab.

One of my colleagues is at the Westchester Library Association conference today.

I checked the New York Times Bestsellers and the Publishers Weekly bestsellers.

I placed some orders for new books.

I worked on some scheduling.

Web Bits

Digital Literacy Support In Libraries: More Than Just Your Computer Classes

The Growing Necessity of Radicalism in Library Advocacy and Political Outreach

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Newsmaker: Michael W. Twitty

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