Sunday, May 13, 2018

Daily Thoughts 05/13/2018

An Author & Bookseller, Thomas Rowlandson (British, London 1757รข€“1827 London), Hand-colored etching
An Author & Bookseller, Thomas Rowlandson, 1797

Daily Thoughts 05/13/2018

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

I reserved a few books on how to paint rocks.  The theme for this years Adult Summer Reading is Libraries Rock.

I have been reading more of The Square and the Tower.  I am reading about how cell phones changed politics by making it easier to form protest movements.

I spent some time this morning looking at the Community Development Block Grant.

I checked the purchase alerts for holds.

Web Bits

How Copyright Law Hides Work Like Zora Neale Hurston's From the Public

BookExpo/BookCon Preview

Recipe Club: The Most Delicious Group In the Library

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