Young Man and Skull, Paul Cezanne, 1898
Daily Thoughts 05/11/2018
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I read some more of The Square and the Tower last night. I am reading about how the internet was created starting with ARPANET.
On the way to work, I read some of Designing Adult Services. I am reading about the site Webjunction which offers training for libraries. https://www.webjunction.org/
I checked the displays and the gift books this morning.
I worked on arranging a pick up for Bettter World Books next week.
I also checked the New York Times Bestsellers and the Publishers Weekly Bestseller list.
I spent some time in the computer lab.
Today is the Book and Bake sale for the Friends of the Mount Vernon Public Library. I bought some muffins and had them after lunch.
I also worked a little bit on the Community Development Block Grant.
Web Bits
12 Most Popular Libraries in the World
New Beacon Library Is An Activist's Dream
This would fall under membership libraries.
The Oldest Cookbooks From Libraries Around the World
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