Saturday, May 12, 2018

Daily Thoughts 05/12/2018

Vase With the Poet Zhou Dunyi, 1587

Daily Thoughts 05/12/2018

I checked the Twitter and Facebook this morning.

I read some more of Designing Adult Services this morning.  I looked at a variety of different programs listed in the book to see if there was anything new which we could try.

I checked the gift books and the displays this morning.

I wrote the final review for the Writings of Audre Lorde workshop supported by Humanities New York.  I have to send back the books used for the program soon. 

I spent some time at the Friends of the Mount Vernon Public Library Book and Bake Sale Today and made some announcements at different points around the day for the

I met briefly and talked with colleagues about the Mount Vernon Local Author Fair.  This should be interesting.

I am working on the Community Development Block Grant right now.

Web Bits

Libraries Partner With Connect Home for Digitally Inclusive Communities

Getting a Library Card for Summer Reading

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