Daily Thoughts 4/13/2010
I read some more of Agatha Christie's Secret Notebooks. Agatha Christie would arrange her plot outlines using an initial alphabetical format, then switch the sections around. I found it interesting that in addition to plays and radio plays, she would also arrange mystery treasure hunts.
Today has been another quiet steady day. I picked up books for the Bookmobile which goes out on April 14, 2010. People wanted books on the navy, treasure diving, art, books by Anne Coulter, Danielle Steel, Nicholas Sparks, and romantic biographies. Comfortable books to reminesce on. They also wanted romance audiobooks, biographical audiobooks, and videos of masterpiece theatre mysteries like Miss Marple or Inspector Lewis.
I also placed orders for graphic novels. I looked at the Diamond Comic Distributors bestseller list and New York Times graphic novel bestseller list to pick out some popular graphic novels. Stephenie Meyers has a Twilight graphic novel and there is a Halo Helljumpers graphic novel written by Peter David.
I also spent some time looking at the Indienext Bestseller List and the Bestselling Science Fiction titles list from Locus Magazine this morning this morning as well as the Staff Picks section online on the Strand Bookstore and Powells books.
A copy of Linnea Sinclair, Rebels and Lovers came in for me to read. I also picked up a copy of Louise Erdrich, Shadow Tag.
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