Daily Thoughts 4/20/2010
We are working on new signage for the shelves. I am looking at a couple examples of shelf signage. Hopefully, some examples should be put up today. On April 23, 2010, we are having a computer instructor from the system come in to give some instruction on Microsoft Publisher which should be helpful.
Last night, I went on a tour of Channel 13 in Manhattan and visited the library which was quite interesting. Everything is now digital. It was like being in a network operation center for an internet service provider.
I started Reading in the Brain: The Science and Evolution of a Human Invention by Stanislas Dehaene on the train to work this morning. I also checked out Naguib Mahfuz, Before the Throne.
The cable person from Time Warner came and fixed my internet connection today. I had a chance to start reading Before the Throne. Naguib Mahfuz won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1988. His writing is compelling.
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