Gardens Behind Stockholm Public Library, 2019, Public Domain, Author-- Climadeo
Daily Thoughts 05/09/2020
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
We had our online Garden Club Meeting today at 11:00 a.m.. It was quite fun. People showed some cuttings from their supermarket. Things like ginger, sweet potatoes, and green onions which could be grown next to your kitchen window. We also planned for the next garden club meeting.
I read some more of The Goodness Paradox. I am reading about how hunter gatherer societies control violence and create egalitarianism.
I spent a little time looking up census videos to post on Facebook, Twitter, and Nextdoor.
I looked through Start A Community Food Garden The Essential Handbook by Lamanda Joy, Timber Press, 2014. It is the basics about how to organize and put together a community garden. I have read it before and wanted to look at it again. It is a short, easy to read, illustrated guide on how to organize and plan a community garden. This was on Hoopla as an e-book.
I also am rereading A Safe and Sustainable The Promise of Ecological Design by Nancy Jack Tood. This is a book on ecology. In the 1970s, the New Alchemy Institute was one of the first nuts and bolts scientific experiments in sustainable farming and living They built a research institute which attempted to make a mixed agricultural landscape. There are a lot of interesting descriptions of domed fish ponds, small wind power, and early bioshelters. Nancy Jack Todd was one of the founders of the New Alchemy Institute.
Web Bits
BookExpo and BookCon Go Virtual This
A New Model For Digital Inclusion: An
Interview With Helsingborg City Libraries
Inside A Secret Library in Syria
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