Monday, October 5, 2015

Daily Thoughts 10/5/2015

The Convalescent - Gwen John

The Convalescent, Gwen John, 1923-1924

Daily Thoughts 10/05/2015

I read some more of Misbehaving The Making of Behavioral Economics.  I am reading about the stock markets and how value stocks do not necessarily follow the market average.  I am also reading about Closed End Funds.

This morning, I checked the Twitter and Facebook for the library.  I also checked the gift books and the displays.  I spent a little time working on the film brochure for Latino Americans 500 Years of History.  I printed up 30 copies of the brochure at the end of the day.  I gave some to different staff members.  Quite a few of my colleagues looked it over for basic edits on content and grammar.  I am hoping it is appreciated.

I am also looking at my old bookmarks and handouts for the library.  Some of them will be updated like the list of African American authors, Inspirational Fiction writers, and popular Chick Lit authors.

I am also looking at applying for the Romance Writers of America grant for libraries.  I would look at diversity in romance books.

This afternoon I am interviewing someone for a position with the help of a colleague.  We interviewed someone today and are setting up some more interviews.

I read a copy of the latest New York Times Book Review.  The book, Windfall The Booming Business of Global Warming by McKenzie Funk came in for me to read.  It is about the business of drought, melt, and deluge.

Web Bits

Publishing's Evolution Means You Need to be Everywhere Always

Library Fines are a Thing of the Past with E-books

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