Sunday, September 17, 2017

Daily Thoughts 09/17/2017

Jean Paul Sartre by Gray.jpg
The New York Times (by Reginald V. Gray), Jean-Paul Sartre, 1964, Public Domain from Wikimedia.

Daily Thoughts 09/17/2017

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

We are participating in International Games Week-- October 29 through November 4

I spent some time looking through Crash Course In Library Budgeting and Finance by Glen E. Holt and Leslie Edmonds Holt this morning.  I am reading about how libraries track their incoming funds. 

I read a little bit more of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  I am reading about character.  Stephen R. Covey gives the example of Benjamin Franklin as a person who had lots of character. 

I spent a little time looking up a few more local authors from Mount Vernon, New York.

Web Bits

A Culture of Opportunity Best Small Library In America 2017

House Votes to Save Library Funding, NEA, and NEH

Public Libraries Are a Big Resource for Small Business

Friday Essay: Why Libraries Can and Must Change

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