Sunday, July 14, 2019

Daily Thoughts 07/14/2019

Dust Jacket of a Guide Book Published by Clara White Hall, 1931, Public Domain.

Daily Thoughts 07/14/2019

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

I got a copy of the game Uno and a deck of playing cards for Intergenerational Game Night on Monday.

I read some more of Build A Great Team One Year to Success.  I am reading about plans for training new hires.

I also read some more of Life After Google.  I am reading about why the internet should be both secure and not free.

I have started reading The Climate Report The National Climate Assessment-- Impacts, Risks, and Adaptations in the United States by US Global Change Research Program.  There will be a speaker on this report on July 31, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. at the Mount Vernon Public Library.

Web Bits

Staying Social: Why Your Library Needs Social Media Policies

Libraries Must Draw the Line on E-books

Visit 28 of the Best Libraries In The World

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