This is the classic exercise I had to do for penmanship and for learning typing. The sentence, The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog, contains all of the letters in the english language. It familiarizes you with the letters on the keyboard as well as cursive script.
Good Afternoon
This morning I walked up the block to my local library and dropped off my books and picked up a new one, The January Dancer by Michael Flynn, a science fiction novel. I did not feel inclined to stay long. I simply was not in the mood to sit at the computers, I wanted to get home quickly. Still the walk was pleasant, even though it was a bit chilly outside. I even picked up two cups of coffee from the local deli.
I have started reading Getting Things Done The Art of Stress Free Productivity by Dave Allen. It is a national bestselling business book. One of the things I like about the book is that he has put numerous short quotes in the margins of the book, "The hurrier I go, the behinder I get."-- Anonymous or "What lies in our power to do, lies in our power not to do." -- Aristotle. The book has inspired me to putter about the house a bit and put small things away...
I tried to watch Healing Yoga for Common Conditions, but found the instructor was more attractive than the content of the video. The workout did not seem any better than the one I am currently doing every day. Also the explanation of the workout did not have very much depth. I'll probably continue looking for other videos.
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