Thursday, September 27, 2018

Daily Thoughts 09/27/2018

Raphael Ritz Der Botaniker 1883.jpg
Raphael Ritz, Der Botaniker, 1883

Daily Thoughts 09/27/2018

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

Last night, I read some more of The War On Normal People.  I am reading about how automation will eliminate jobs.  As long as a job is repetitive, predictable, and standardized, it can be replaced by automation.  This includes jobs by clerks, financial analysts, librarians, telemarketers, doctors, lawyers, truck drivers, and a lot of other professions.  With self driving cars and trucks, entire industries will change and require less people.

I also read some more of Calming Your Angry Mind.  I am looking through some frequently asked questions about meditation.

I have been transferring some of my old files to an external hard drives for fliers.

I checked the displays and the gift books this morning.

I also spent some time discussing doing citizenship classes.

The book, Palaces for the People, How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life by Eric Klinenberg has come in for me to read.

I spent some time working on signage.

I also spent some time looking at oversize items with low circulation.

I also spent some time setting dates for a codrones class.

Web Bits

Opioid Crisis Responses from Public Libraries

URI Opens First Artificial Intelligence Lab Housed In University Library

Wooden Library Lures Bookworms Outside Beijing

Library of Congress Launches Online National Screening Room

Brooklyn Heights Public Library and Condo Superstructure Climbs Past One-Third Mark

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