Charles Dana Gibson (American illustrator, 1867-1944) 1905 pen and ink on paper illustration for Collier's Weekly; published in the artist's collection Our Neighbors (1905)
Daily Thoughts 10/10/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I read some more of Antifa, The Antifascist Handbook. I am reading about fighting between anti-racist street organizations and neo-nazi skinheads. There is a kind of continuous undercurrent where the groups fight each other to prevent either side from getting an upper hand.
I checked the displays and the gift books this morning. I also placed some orders for new books.
Today was the Crochet Group from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
I spent some time doing minor activities like giving a few of my colleagues permission to go to the Eastchester Indie Author Fair. https://eastchesterlibrary.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/INDIE-AUTHOR-DAY-event-flyer-for-readers.pdf
I spent some time with the literacy program from Yonkers discussing restarting our literacy program. My colleague, Mayra Cabrera is working on literacy and has some people who are interested in teaching as well as some potential students.
I got the paperwork together and successfully applied for Peachstate Hobby Distributors which can provide games at a discount to libraries. This should help us with International Games Week. http://www.phdgames.com/ There is a charity event tied in the International Games Week which we are working on.
I finished my monthly report for October.
I spent a little time checking the 900s.
I have to think of an event for Veterans day. I am hoping we can do something with patriotic music.
I checked out the book, Deep Thinking Where Machine Intelligence Ends and Human Creativity Begins by Garry Kasparov.
Web Bits
Now Rescue N.Y.'s Library Branches
Library of Congress Visits MIT
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