Scholar On The Bridge, Ni Tian, 1901
Daily Thoughts 10/17/2017
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I read some of Tool of War. It is part of a trilogy. The main character, Tool is an augmented monstrosity built for war.
I finished reading Tool of War this morning. I like that there is a theme about slavery and control in the story. Tool who is an augmented human has dog genes which he has to overcome to remain free. There is a lot of interesting backstory in this book. I have read the previous two books, Ship Breaker and The Drowned Cities. I rather liked reading all of the books in the trilogy.
I checked the gift books and the displays today.
We had the crochet group today from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. which went well.
We turned in the report for the First Annual Mount Vernon Local Author fair today.
I spent some time working on scheduling. We arranged for training for Databases on October 20, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. There is also going to be circulation training on Tuesday, November 7, at 10:00 a.m.
I logged into Peachstate Hobby Distributors for the first time today to look at games. I have some money to buy games for the library.
Web Bits
When a Librarian Travels...
How 'Big Data' Went Bust
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