Saturday, February 3, 2018

Daily Thoughts 02/03/2018

Fruit and Book - Juan Gris
Juan Gris, Fruit and Book, 1925

Daily Thoughts 02/02/2018

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

I read some more of The Victory Lab.  I am learning why knowing whether or not your neighbor voted encourages people to vote.

I spent some time looking at the Codrone Lite.  You can buy classroom kits with an educators discount.

I did some more of my assignments for Winning Support and Influencing Communities for Library Funding.

My colleague is finishing up our list for programs for March, April, and May.  We also have a few programs already for June 2018.

Web Bits

The Public Spotlights Public  Libraries and Homelessness

Celebrating the Transformative Effects of E-rate

Being  A Librarian Makes Me A Better Writer

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