Saturday, October 6, 2018

Daily Thoughts 10/06/2018

A reading Girl with a cat, 1885.jpg
A Reading Girl With a Cat, 1885, Fritz von Uhde

Daily Thoughts 10/06/2018

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

On the way to work, I read some more of 12 Rules for Life An Antidote to Chaos.  I am on the third rule Make Friends With People Who Want the Best for You.  The author describes how many people find it too hard to make their lives better and are on a downward trajectory.  I don't always agree with the idea that you should like people who want what is best for you.  Sometimes people think that you should be doing things that you have no interest in and are not part of your life.

I checked the displays and the gift books this morning.

I also read the latest New York Times Bestseller List and the Publishers Weekly Bestseller List.

I spent some time discussing programming with a colleague.

There is a Resume Writing Workshop today in the computer lab from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Next month we are putting out the holiday display which includes books, films, and music.  Our holiday tree from American Christmas which is a local company is coming in on November 1st, 2018.  I gathered some of the new books for the display.

Web Bits

Growing Up In the The Library

Can Libraries Save America

Democracy Is Thriving at Your Community Library

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