Thursday, January 17, 2019

Daily Thoughts 01/17/2019

File:Vittorio Matteo Corcos - Dreams - 1896.jpg
Vittorio Matteo Corcos, Dreams, 1896

Daily Thoughts 01/17/2019

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

Last night, I read some more of This Is Marketing.  I am reading about getting permission to put people on newsletters and email lists.

I also read some more of Mind Hacking.  I am reading about how imagining positive outcomes can help you make better decisions.

I checked the displays and the gift books this morning.  I handed out some bookmarks for the Givegab campaign.

I checked some fiction books in the mezzanine.

I also worked a little bit on creating some nonfiction lists for the children's room.

I spent some time checking the 500s today.

I put in some orders  for new books.

I printed up the sign up sheets for the computer classes.

I spent some time deleting items which we could not find on the shelf in the mezzanine or on the main floor.

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