Central Building: Cartoons, Reading Room: Seeing New York with Fornaro, from N.Y. Sun, Evening, about January 3, 1914
Daily Thoughts 04/24/2016
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I am watching Part 1 of Walt Disney He Made Believe which is part of the American Experience series on PBS. It is different story than the one I originally thought. His first animal is not a mouse, but a cat, then a rabbit. These both came before Disney studios.
I started reading the book, Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates The Forgotten War That Changed American History by Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger today. It is about the early war with the Barbary Pirates who were famous for capturing American and European ships and demanding tribute and ransom for the people they captured.
Web Bits
The Two Men Who Helped Create the World's Greatest Library
Paul Gilster: Google Books Decision Opens Door To Create True Digital Library
One more step on the way to create the "World Brain."
An Unexpected City is at the Forefront of Reimagining the Public Library
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