Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Daily Thoughts 03/13/2018

File:The Courtesan Hanazome of the Ogiya reading a letter and grinding ink (5759528570).jpg
The Courtesan Hanazome of the Ogiya reading a letter and grinding ink, Circa 1810-1815, Kikukawa Eizan

Daily Thoughts 03/13/2018

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

I read a little more of Treating People Well on the way to work.

I checked the gift books and the displays this morning.

We had training on the weeding tablet this morning from the Westchester Library System.  We are checking for items that are missing.

I worked on some orders for new books this afternoon.  I also read through the New York Times Book Review and the Times Literary Supplement.  I checked the March Ingram Advance for new books.

The Codrone kit came in this afternoon.  It will be used as part of the Lets Build Robots Program.

I changed the Collection Management sheet on the reference desk where we record patron requests.  I also looked through the recent patron requests.

Shooting An Elephant and Other Essays by George Orwell came in for me to read.

There is a Fundamentals of Computers Class and a Beginning Microsoft Word class tonight.

On the way home, I finished reading Treating People Well The Extraordinary Power of Civility at Work and In Life by Lea Berman who was the social secretary for George Bush, Jr.  and Jeremy Bernard who was the social secretary for Barack Obama in the white house.  This book is about a combination of proper manners, etiquette, and success.  It is about parties and events at the white house and what goes on in preparation.

There are many pointers on how to be successful and work with other people under stress.  The Book alternates between the viewpoint of Lea Berman and Jeremy Bernard.  There are color photographs in the center of the book.  There are also notes at the end.  This is a proper book that is quite patriotic and mannerly.

I also read the essay Politics and the English Language by George Orwell.  It was refreshing in the sense that it described how to write clearly and avoid confusing language and jargon.  It provides an excellent counterpoint to much of the news happening today.

Web Bits

Nearly One in Five Americans Now Listen to Audiobooks

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